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Home Archives March 2017

« Sadness sparks - A Follow-up on X, after 12 years »
The way
Mar 24, 2017, 11:47p - Poetry

I think
about what it would be like
to not think
the way that I think.
Not thinking about thinking
To just think, straight up.
A trap laid beyond my feet.

Is the sadness of the loss
of the second parent
easier to bear
because of
the loss of the first?

Does sadness vaccinate
against future sadness?

Do darts that pierce through
to darts that barely prick?

Read comments (2) - Comment

Tim - Apr 19, 2017, 12:32p
Ended up here somehow from looking at a chemotaxis simulation you made - because I wanted to make my own and was disappointed that one exactly like I wanted already existed. Didn't know what I expected to see when I got here, but as someone who has been really sad about their parents declining health, it strange to know someone else has wondered in much the same way I did. So thank you for both the science and the introspection. Gotta get back to lab work now.

Kirk - Aug 17, 2023, 12:51p
Thinking can be a bit overwhelming. I find that when I'm lacking in something I'm thinking of how fixing. I think it is important that as I go on I remember to stress less and try to not put myself in positions to need to stress.ive recently experienced loss. As I'm healing I wonder if I'll ever be whole again. My parents are getting up there wonder how ill feel when they are gone.

« Sadness sparks - A Follow-up on X, after 12 years »

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