Interesting ideas interspersed with nonsense - RSS - by nikhil bhatla, -
Home Archives November 2014

« Free will - Liquids »
Nov 6, 2014, 6:11p - Poetry

What does it feel like
to be struck by
The feeling, the moment,
the time.

What does it feel like
to be struck by lightning
Do your dreams become
more electric

What does it feel like to
be struck by lightning

Does the pain ever end?

Can you go back to
feeling normal again?
Can your synapses forget
to remember
The loss of control
The dilation of time
The waiting for it to end.

What is it like, to be
struck by sadness
How is it, that it is like
Does it explain, the faces
on the subway

What is it like, to be
struck by sadness;


and again,

and again.

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« Free will - Liquids »

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