Names I've been called lately Jul 11, 2006, 8:11a

"Papa smurf meets Fidel Castro," said Jessica.
"Feral," said Buzz.
"You look like someone from Planet of the Apes. It's hot," said Julia.
"Hey hairy," said Avni.
"Chewbacca," said Becca.
"Wolverine," said someone.
"Teen wolf," said countless numbers.
"Wolf," said countless numbers.
"Wolfman," said someone.
"Jake Gyllenhaal," said Sanjay, later supported by Aki abnd Avni.
"Terrorist - don't they stop you in the airport?" said someone.
"Messiah," said someone.
"Jesus," said Maria.
"Guru," said me.
"Biker beard," said Becca.
"You look like a monk. Promise me you'll do the fu manchu," said someone, a while ago.
"That beard is getting religious," said Sam, long ago.
You decide. What do you think I look like? And, more importantly, should I stop?
Read comments (1) - Comment
- Jul 11, 2006, 5:35p
are you trying to look older? what's the reasoning? i personally think the beard takes away from your eyes, which are your best feature. thumbs down.
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